Marshalswick Baptist Free Church

Image box Send an Image

Image type

The image will need to be a graphic file – for example jpg, gif, png 

Artwork can be scanned or photographed. We found photos taken in good light with no flash gave good results. Please feel free to crop/edit until you are happy with the result. If you have trouble getting images into digital format I can help you once we are allowed to go near each other again. Until then happy to advise in a socially distanced manner.

Image naming

Please name file using the convention description_yourinitials_date so I can keep track of the images. The date can be month and year or just the year and you are welcome to give me a circa year if you are not sure when an old photo was taken. 

For example I have NoahArk_KA_2019.jpg


Please tell me if you want to be credited for the image when we use it. 

If you have people in your image please obtain consent to upload it. In the accompanying email please tell me you have consent and who is in the photo (so I can identify the images if consent is withdrawn by anyone). I won’t publish anyone’s name with photos without prior agreement.

If you want to provide a brief description or explanation of why an image is meaningful please feel free to include this in the accompanying email.

If you have used a source that needs to be credited please advise me of the details.

Image submission

When you are happy with this please email to ImageBox

If your images are large do not attach too many to your email as it won’t make it through the internet to me. Contact me if this happens and we can arrange an alternative way to share files.

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