Marshalswick Baptist Free Church

What's On

MBFC no longer publish a monthly church chat magazine. It has been replaced by a What's On bulletin. Please contact the church secretary if you wish to receive one.

Our Week:

Sunday - 10.15am - Morning Worship, with age appropriate clubs for children and young people

Monday - 1.30pm - Kanga & Roo Toddler Group (Term time only)

Tuesday - 1:30pm - Jigsaw, a place to relax and chat with warm refreshments (in the church)

Wednesday - 2.00pm - Table Tennis for the young at heart (in the rear halls)
Wednesday - 7.30pm - Bible Study - Fruitfulness on the Frontline (in the church)

Thursday - 1.30pm - Community Link; a chance to get together for a natter over tea and cake!

Friday - 3:15 - 5:00pm - Connect and Play, a time to chill for 3 - 8 year oldsFday - 3:15 - 

Dates for your diary

These will appear here when available.