Churches Together In Marshalswick

CTM logoMarshalswick Baptist Free Church is a member of Churches Together in Marshalswick (CTM)

We are Christian churches committed to working across differences in our practice; learning from one another, praying together, and making a difference in our local community.

CTM wishes to encourage a greater understanding of each others’ expressions of faith and styles of worship. Throughout the year, CTM provides opportunities for people to worship, serve together, and to gather socially.

Churches Together in Marshalswick Members: St Mary's MarshalswickMarshalswick Free Baptist ChurchMass CentreSt Albans URC (Homewood)St Leonard's Sandridge and St Saviour's St Albans.

Keep in touch with the latest news and events of Churches Together in Marshalswick 

through our Facebook page.

Current Churches Together in Marshalswick Initiatives

Christian Aid Market

Held in May each year, our outdoor market, raising funds for Christian Aid, is held outside St Mary's Church with a variety of stall, including plants, books and cakes. 

Food Bank

CTM members regularly arrange collections outside Budgens on the Quadrant, for the the Vineyard Feed Centre.

Songs of Praise

In the summer months we gather outside St Leonard's church, Sandridge, to eat scones, drink tea and sing our favourite hymns together.


We work together to provide spaces for shared learning, reflection and prayer in Lent each year.

St Albans Unity at the Cross Service

We join with Churches Together in St Albans for this moving service, which takes place each year on Good Friday.

Advent Service

We join St Saviour's Church on the first Sunday of Advent each year for beautiful, candlelit, Advent carol service.

Nativity Sheep Trail

Look out for our knitted sheep, appearing in shops on the Quadrant from mid December until the new year.