Marshalswick Baptist Free Church is a Christian Church in membership with Baptists Together (the Baptist Union of Great Britain), the Central Baptist Association and Churches Together In Marshalswick.
We seek to be a thriving church where people of all ages can meet God.
We are a ‘Free’ church in the sense that like all Baptist Churches we are not part of the established church but ‘non conformist’. We maintain our local independence while also being committed to being interdependent with other Baptist Churches.
We also maintain the word ‘Free’ in recognition that our roots are in a joint Methodist/ Baptist outreach and that the site on which the church is built was gifted by Mr Nash, main builder of the Marshalswick Estate, for the building of a ‘Free’ Nonconformist church.
Our church building is located on Sherwood Avenue, Marshalswick, St Albans just around the corner from The Quadrant shopping area. Please see our directions page for more detailed information.
We worship together on Sunday Morning at 10.15 am. Communion is celebrated in Morning Worship on the third Sunday of the month.
We run children and youth groups and Messy Church events for our community. Please contact us for more details.
We support mission work both at home and abroad through the Baptist Home Mission, BMS World Mission and Christian Aid. We have links with BMS Missionaries across the world.